Stormy inside and out

  • Author MissPolly
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well, here I am.

In the last few years I've gained a husband, 2 beautiful boys and about 30 odd kilos.

I mean that's just ridiculous isn't it? That's a stupid amount of weight.

I could try and make excuses as to why I put so much on...pregnancy...lack of money... no support...and while they do all play a part honestly I just didn't look after myself. I lost the ability to care what I looked or felt like. I got so used to being big that each kilo that added just didn't really matter...I was already big who cares?

What a depressing way to live! I didn't want that. When I was pregnant with my second I said the whole way through that as soon as he was out I'd be focusing on my health and weight.

And I stuck to my word! In the 7 months that he has been on the outside I have lost 23 kilos. Yep, I'm that awesome - that's not a stuck up thing...that's a pride thing.

But now it's stalled...or at least going very, very slowly. My own fault...I'm not working hard enough. I've lost the motivation frustrating.

Any way my hubby started Duromine a month ago after I told him about it. I was breastfeeding so I couldn't start myself. He has lost around 8kg.

We've decided to try for our last bub, but I need to be on medication to help out with that due to the wonderful Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome I inherited.

Knowing that I'd have to wean bub before being able to do that we decided I'd be best weaning him now, taking Duromine for 3 months to get my body in a better position for pregnancy, and starting the fertility meds straight after. I think we made the right choice but to be frank sitting here with my chest throbbing and feeling like it is about to explode and saturate the world with milk makes it hard to remember the reason why we are doing it all.

Bub isn't overly impressed either...oops.

Well too late now, I'm on day 2 of 30mg.

Start weight according to Doctors scales was 114.8. I'll be going back to her in a month to see my progress and possibly go up to 40mg depending on what the scales say.

I haven't noticed any side effects so far. Hopefully it's working OK and I'm just lucky? Fingers crossed.

It's storming outside...feels like a storm is happening in here as well with all the crazy changes happening.

And you know what?

I always loved a good storm.


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