The broccoli made me do it

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day eleven on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Slept in til 8am then had a tin of tuna and lime for breakfast. Snacked on a handful of air popped popcorn and a thick slice of cheese at around 11am. Did an hour and a half of just dance, wanted to go longer but i was at the point where it felt like an elephant was hanging off my arms and while i knew logically that i should work through that and then i would burn more yada yada yada i was just all blah and meh so i stopped.. I did discover that my clothes were completely saturated though so evidently i was sweating ALOT. Had an apple and another slice of cheese for an afternoon snack. Cooked my version of chicken parmigiana for tea, generally i do a skinless chicken breast topped with tomatoes and cheese but i added bacon tonight. Did a cauliflower and broccoli side dish covered in cheese sauce.. That was yummy. It was a really big meal though, the chicken breasts were HUGE and thankfully i didn't eat everything on my plate. I ate most the veg but only a few bites of the chicken but it was probably still a blow to my portion control as it was a lot of broccoli and cauliflower.
I was really moody over dinner to the point that i snapped and had to go and shut myself in my room. It was totally irrational, i had no reason to be upset, my chest was just really tight and i started hyperventilating almost like i was having a panic attack.. My poor mum who had arrived to pick my little sister up must have thought i was going nuts. The only conclusion i can form is that broccoli makes me a grump :). Drank 3 litres of water today.
I haven't noticed any sign of weight loss and it's still awhile before i will climb on the scales however i noticed today that though in the past it has been difficult for me to put my pants on :oops: as i would need to bend and lower them to the ground to get my legs through now i am lifting my legs and putting them on like a normal person.. or as normal as i can get ;) that in itself is a confidence booster and encouragement to keep at it. 11 days and the dancing has already improved my fitness at least somewhat- things can only improve yea.
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