The last month of duromine

  • Author Dianne Williams
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
The title pretty much says it all. I must say this journey has been a real life changing experience ! I'm so proud of my weightloss and how I've now incorporated a new and better lifestyle change. Starting at 146.5kg in April to start Duromine at 144.2 to now 125.7kgs today I'm pretty proud of my how much I've lost and how my weightloss has helped me feel bad look way better than I did before. With this last month my weightloss has slowed down a lot which I'm actually happy with as I wanna start toning up more. I'm now taking it every second day during the week and not having it during the weekends has helped a lot too. I'm excited but nervous for Christmas as that's the time most people are prone to over indulge at this time especially. So it's up to me to control my eating habits and not let all this glorious food I'm about to have in front of me spoil and ruin all my hard work ! I hope all of you's keep up the good work and believe in yourself ! God bless you all


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Dianne Williams
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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