The Monitors - A "One Hit Wonder" But I Am Singing Their Song Again Now

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Do you remember what their one hit wonder song was???

I know, you've gone away to google it right now ;), I can wait............:)........:rolleyes:.....:cool:.....:confused:.....o_O

So you have found it? Yep, that's the song I meant...

"What will we be singin' in the 80s, what should we be singin' now"

Now lets change it to "What will jDad be singin' in the 80s, what should he be singin' now"...

Jumped on the scales this morning and after being 90.5 last week when I had my own little reality check, I am now 88.5.

I'm back in the 80's baby, bring on the big hair, big shoulder pads, big music but not quite so big jDad.

Hmmm...then again; maybe not.
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