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  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Day eight on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Woke up full of energy today.. Or to be entirely accurate i woke up to my alarm at 6.30am and wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, however once i jumped out of bed i got an energy rush and bounced around the house getting myself and the little man ready for kindy. Ate 2 slices of toast at 7am when i took my tablet and by 8am at the bus stop i was playing duck duck goose and tag with my son :laughing: that was pretty awesome, normally i stand and wait for the bus while playing on my phone- or telling him to get out of the dirt. Hearing him shriek and giggle while i chased him was just the greatest feeling.
After dropping him off i returned home and did a brief clean up, well after the show down with the spider i found in my hallway. :confused: Hate spiders. It defies logic really.. I'm like 133kgs and the spider is probably what? not even 5gms so in hindsight the running leap i took before landing on it and stomping it repeatedly into oblivion was probably over kill, the war cry got my adrenaline flowing though ;) As i was saying i did a brief clean up because i have been so on the ball with it lately that there really wasn't much to do.. It really has made me feel more positive to look over and not see a mound of dirty dishes or toys lying about, It means i am doing the dishes 3-4 times a day instead of once and cleaning toys up well, very often but it's totally worth it and it keeps me from being inactive for too long.
Then i did about an hour and a half of just dance 3.. I noticed there were at least 2 songs in particular that got me moving my whole body at the same time so i did them numerous times.. Still didn't push myself quite as hard as the first day as i was able to breathe relatively easy and it didn't end with me escaping out the back to fertilise the garden but I'm happy with the effort. Looking forward to my stomach healing so i can do some sit ups or something different though, might be time to invest in a new dancing game..
Drank 3 litres of water today. Cooked cupcakes for my brothers birthday tomorrow and i may have licked the spoon.. twice :) that reminds me i still have to frost them.. Had a thick slice of cheese and a couple of cocktail pickled onions at around 2pm then for tea at 5pm i had a very small serve of rice with a sausage casserole and a slice of multi grain toast o_O more carbs i know. Tiny bit worried about going to my brothers tomorrow as we usually celebrate with unhealthy foods and soft drinks but i plan on taking my water bottle and eating before i go.
Really wiped, starting to nod off at the keyboard, so i am going to crawl off to bed and leave the frosting til the morning i think.
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