Things I look forward to...

  • Author NewBeginnings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Things I look forward to when I’m a decent, healthy weight:

1. Not being sweaty in summer, by this I mean being able to wear cooler clothes.
2. Actually feeling cold in the winter. So embarrassing we everybody else is freezing and you don’t know what the fuss is about. My fat keeps me very warm!
3. Having a style of my own. Not wearing / buy what fits, but wearing / buy clothing that is my taste and my style.
4. Not stressing about trying new things: I will fit, nothing will break!
5. If come to realise that being obese/fat (whatever you want to call it), is expensive. Having a budget in which my food expense is not so exuberant.
6. Feeling confidant in who I am as a person.
7. When people look at me in the gym now, they spend an extra 30min on the treadmill so they will not end up like me. I want them to spend that extra 30min so that one day they can look like me.
8. Not be the fattest friend.
9. Not be the fattest family member.
10. For a standard bath towel to fit around me (not a bath sheet as it is currently).

What are you looking forward to :confused:


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