This helps me lose weight...What i have learnt from a lot of research.

  • Author nadiafarhat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
The key to speeding up ur metabolism, stopping u from getting too hungry and finally loosing weight is to eat. 6 small meals per day. So BREAKFAST...snack.....LUNCH.....snack...DINNER...snack. all small portions and make sure u eat lots of protein. Protein keeps u full for longer. Google super foods or foods high in protein. ( i use the internet for food knowledge).
Cardio also helps u lose weight everywhere on ur body. It also helps with depression. Exercise makes the brain produce happy chemicals (endorphines). Work out minimum 30mins a day. Dance, walk, jog, treadmill whatever u like.
I have been on Duromine 2 weeks and have lost 5.5kg like this.

This is an example of what i eat.
8am - small bowl of cereal with sweetener instead of sugar (i add dried cranberries) + 2 fruits.
10am- yogurt with some fruit inside + 5 almonds (protein)
12pm- wholewheat sandwich with turkey breast,low fat cottage cheese and tomato and lettuce.
3pm-carrots with chickpea dip or tuna wrapped in lettuce.
5-6pm- grillled chicken marinated in lemon and dill + boiled or steamed veggies.
8pm- apple + almonds.

I fit gym in whenever i can. It helps me sleep. On my days off from gym i dont sleep as good because i have too much energy.

Hope this has helped.
Good luck everybody.
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