
  • Author Kimberley Hitchings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I've been thinking about this whole Duromine journey and I know I could achieve great things with its help. I just need to remind myself that everything must want this, every part of my body must want to change; to be healthy. Every fibre in my being must enable me to achieve this. I think it's about my body wanting to do this, it's about my heart wanting to do this and it's about my brain wanting to do this. I need to understand this. I've realised that in the past when I'd lost weight, I'd done so with only half of my being. I always thought it was about changing your mindset and once you'd achieved that, you could reach your goals. But looking back, I think I was wrong. My heart didn't want it, only my body wanted it. I only ever wanted to look good- to be skinny. I didn't lose weight for me, I lost weight for everyone else. I was losing weight so the first thing people would see was my personality, for people to not be ashamed to walk next to me; I was losing weight so I could be an equal and not be disadvantaged at the start line.

This time I need to lose weight for me. I need to lose weight for my health, my future, my life. I won't get anywhere if I continue to think that losing weight will make people like me more, I must think that being healthy will make me like myself more. A healthy mind is a healthy body, isn't that what people say? Once I begin to appreciate myself, I can finally understand how living a healthy lifestyle is also important. I'll understand that doing all these positive things in my life is a way of loving and taking care of myself, for myself.

Duromine will help me, so I need to help it too.
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You are absolutely right, Kim!
It is very important to open your eyes and see things like they are in reality. Unfortunately, our bodies love comfort and so our mind gets used to all the good stuff we eat, we do, we buy... I have read recently that our body does not like physical activity and is trying to keep energy/calories/fat as long as possible because this is a defense mechanism in case we have to starve. From my personal experience: I had a lot of weight to lose and when I was looking in the mirror I wanted my body change right away, that same day, wasn't patient enough to wait... It's like you think it takes so much time to become slim... but hey, life does not stop tomorrow, it goes on and you will not notice it, if this new diet and exercise routine or whatever will become your lifestyle. One day you will look in the mirror thinking: "I haven't changed much, sigh..." and then on the "before" picture and you will see a huge difference.
Now I can say for sure that this lifestyle can be great, you can feel great and love it! I struggled a lot, but then I thought: "If my body doesn't like it, but I know I need it for my health, then let's love it!" If that makes sense. Once this thought settles in your mind, you will find it much easier to achieve your goal. I can't stop for five years already and I feel way better than before my weight loss journey))))

So, take care of your body and your mind. Find harmony.

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Kimberley Hitchings
Read time
2 min read
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