Tomorrow is always a better Day!

  • Author HotFizz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have been busy 2-3 days, and i usally have my breakfast all the time but like many Mums sometimes you forget about yourself and do things like washing cleaning going to grocery shop pay the bill, put baby to sleep ect.. You all know how that works, but i gotta share this PLEASE Never Ever Skip Breakfast ( like i sayed i always have breakfast) but 2-3 days in a row i could tell my body wasnt happy about it, it started to crave late at night just to fuel up and boost my energy.. gosh i never will do that again, i had headaches for 3 days i was tired like never before and the weight stayed the same. So today is a new day i woke up had my low carb breakfast and its been 4 hrs i still feel full, that is an exampel to do it right and to stay on the tracks. Even if your busy have at least a Protein Shake or Yogurt boiled Eggs.. ( protein keeps you fuller for longer ) and if you eat it in the morning it gives you such energy Eat Breakfast like a King!
If Today isnt your day Dont give up and think that tomorrow will be the same Remember your the one in control and you need to make the changes.

Good Luck !

goal: 65 kg

Keep going keep going .. Dont give up .
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Great advice HotFizz
I find that if I have something, even if it is just a piece of (GF) toast or a banana, it will keep me full till I am ready for a late lunch.
oh I SO FAIL AT THIS ONE ..My Hubby brings me a cup of coffee every morning, I drink it before my feet touch the floor on most mornings ,but on crazy mornings, rushing around the house with my coffee in hand packing lunches, and getting hubby out the door for work,and waking up my teenager for homeschool.. I forget to eat , and land up being distracted, exactly as you say , with the first load of clothes washing , and Dishwasher ,and making beds, etc etc.. Then I look up at the time and wonder why I am feeling a little woozy, and overwhelmed and look at the clock and it is 11am ...So I gulp down some Muesli and then get another load of washing in, check my EMAILS, Duromine is first on my list, lol ,then off to exercise, by then I am feeling exhausted, and realise it is lunch time and need to make my son and I a sandwich or salad, he loves salad ..and off I go again, marking his work, then, ironing ,and if there is time do the herb garden , and sweep the driveway,water the plants, then vaccume and start dinner ... BUT on good days, planned and sorted days ,calmer, ordered, and with complete purpose , lol , BREAKFAST IS at 8am, lunch is at 12 and dinner at 5 and exercise and chores and what ever else is thrown at me ,is done , and those Days I even sleep well an earlier .. where as on the crazy days, I have insomnia , and I am like a crazy energizer bunny..Really want to get to having brekkie 5 days a week at the same time, and have a calm or calmer day , than those crazy days which take up most of my week ..Thanks for the reminder Hotfizz, prioritization is key, I used to be such a routine person, even my meals were much of the same day by day, but after working /travelling around world and living on 4 different contents in guest houses, B and B'S , and furnished homes for 8 yrs one forgets about routine and goes with the environment one lives in at the time, now I have no excuses , I AM FINALLY grounded in Aus again and have all my own furniture and a routine is possible again.. Will eat like "KING" , Thank you .. :)

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