Two quick questions.....

  • Author Miss T
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am on day 10, feeling good with everything, I am just concerned about eating... I hardly feel hungry, but I do eat, for eg: boiled egg with 1 slice toast in morning, either apple or orange at lunch time, and either a yoghurt or boiled egg snack late afternoon. I eat my normal dinners at home, but very small portions, and trying to avoid carbs at dinner. Am I eating correctly, or should i be adding more or less food?
I was very nervous about the side effects when i started so i havent done any exercise in the first week at all (as i hate it). but now that i dont feel like i am loosing anymore I am wanting to start cycling. Would this help alot with the weightloss?
I have lost 3.5kg in the first week (which i know is brilliant), but weight hasnt changed in the last 5 days. Which makes me think I am doing something wrong?

Thank you for taking time to read..

Much love
Miss T


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Miss T
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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