Under 90'kg Yeah!! ;)

  • Author HotFizz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am so happy so far i lost 6 kg, i feel great and i am really happy about it.
I am not saying that everything is always going smoothly all the time, but bit by bit the kilos are going down. When i wake up in the morning i feel most hungry , i have my breakfast - Oats Banana yogurt, for lunch i had weight watcher meal , i had 2 snacks apple 2 rice cakes.
For dinner i had chicken soupe , and that was it i didnt feel hungry at all anymore.
Plus i walked for 1 hr with my little one. So far its good, its not like my hunger is gone, its still there but not like before i dont snack to much and i dont eat as much , i have little portions i think its better to have some kind of appetite that way you dont starve your body.

Started at 95 kg
Currently 89 kg
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