Update again on pregnancy

  • Author Sammywammi
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hey everyone I am 10 weeks on Wednesday everything is going good I was in hospital last Tuesday due to a lot off blood loss but that was because I needed a. anti D injection for having a rare blood type but other then that just the all day sickness is killing me can't have chicken or dairy products which sucks because I love my cereal in the morning here is a ultrasound photo from Tuesday that just passed


Hey Sammy, what a wonderful picture!
Sorry about your condition, I guess you have some sort of rhesus conflict because of your negative blood type, right? Thank God doctors can fix it these days. As for your changed food preferences, don't worry, eat whatever you want right now, your body and little one know what they need.:laughing:

Thanks for the update. Sending you health wibes!;)
Hello, Sammy! Thank you so much for sharing your news. I have been thinking of you last Friday and was wondering how you are doing. Now I see why you were silent and I am very sorry about your hospitalization. Hope, your doctor will take a good care that something like this doesn’t happen again.

Sorry about your deprivation of morning cereal, yet our babies already show their character from the first months. ;)) I also had trouble eating what I was used to, and the morning sickness is something I will never forget. In the end, it’s all worth it! Brace yourself, you know you can overcome it all!

The photo brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely picture! Thank you so much for sharing it!!! Immediately reminded me of my ultrasounds. =)) Lovely time!

Have a wonderful new week and take good care of yourself. Morning sickness usually subsides by week 12… so fingers crossed for that! =)

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