
  • Author Alethea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi all,

I am currently not taking duromine anymore, my doctor essentially told me that he would keep giving me a prescription for duromine until I reach my goal weight, however long that takes (within reason). However, I decided to stop taking duromine after 2 months as a result of the side effects. I was constantly lethargic, dizzy, nauseous, and my mental health went down hill. Whilst I did loose some weight taking duromine (nothing extreme unfortunately), I do not feel that it was a healthy means of doing so (personally, as a result of the side effects). Also, as I have previously mentioned, I did loose a fair amount of weight before taking duromine by exercising, eating better, and becoming vegan. Because of this, I made the decision that the negatives outweighed the benefits of duromine, I ceased taking duromine, and instead worked harder to achieve my goal weight by simply exercising more, eating better, living a more active lifestyle, etc.

That brings me to now! I am currently weighing in at 89kg. Before starting my weight loss journey, I weighed in at 132kg (so I have lost 43kg all together), and when I started taking duromine I weighed in at 110kg (loss of 21 kg since then, approximately 8kg whilst taking duromine for 2 months). I pretty stoked to be honest - its been flippin difficult, and my hate for exercise has still not changed unfortunately! However, I have around 15kg to go before I am at my goal weight, and I am more motivated than ever to keep being active and healthy.

Whilst duromine was not a great means of weight loss for me personally, I wouldn't discourage anyone who has tried other alternative and is struggling to loose weight to give it a try!

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