
  • Author Dani7
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So , its been a while . I stopped the Duromine after 1 week. It is not the Duromines fault but another health issue that has arisen . I am sorting out my shortness of breath. I have had tests galore - ct scans , chest xrays, spirometry tests , ecg etc. I am now on strong antibiotics for 10 days. I cant wait for them to work out why i am so breathless so i can start duromine again. I couldnt handle the feeling of heart racing and shortness of breath together so had to put Duromine on the back burner for a bit unfortunately. My weight loss was great the one week i was on duromine and wanted to continue :-(
I will be back and more determined than ever.
Catch you all soon !


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1 min read
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