Vent time.

  • Author laura kate
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Im getting a bit annoyed at some of the posts i see on here.
If you get offended easily. Sorry.

Before i say it... let me say that everyones entitled to not like how they look and everyones entitled to loose weight amd everyone should be proud of weight loss or even a healthier lifestyle.

But when i see people who are MAYBE a size 12ish you know.. 180cm tall with a SW of 68, 70kg on this site using duromine i just shake my head. Why take something like duromine if you only want to loose 5-10kgs. And who the hell are the idiot drs actually prescribing it to you.

Its a dangerous drug for morbedly obese people with literally no other option except maybe gastric bypass or lap band. Yikes no thanks.

Sorry but i dont want to read about the struggles of a 5,8 65kg crying about how she cant show her face in public until she "drops all this weight".
Not because they are skinny. This isnt skinny hate. (Skinny is my #goals)
This is frustration with the shit for brains drs giving these poor girls this pill.... aaaaand partly not wanting to sympathise with someone thats only the size of my ass.

not on this forum anyway lol
Fatprivilege i guess haha

And yes. Its purely jealously. So dont be offended because i think you are already perfect.
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viva laura kate for president!!! definitely agree, why would drs prescribe duromine if you only have like 2.1kg to loose...whats up with that!!!
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laura kate
Haha if kanye can do it, so can i!!!

im glad someone gets what i mean! I was worried this would sound awful. But like i said. For the morbedly obese duromine is worth the risk. But taking it to sqeeze back into your size 8 dress is not haha
Im 160cm tall with start weight 84kgs my bmi was 31 and i was size 18. 10 sizes larger than i was 2 years ago.

Was my dr right to prescribe it after months of diet and exercise with no results. Like i lost 2 kgs in 6months. What do u think? I tried orlistat which i think is awesome with barely any side effects. I lost 2 kgs but that was after a full month of treatment along with exercise and good eating. I think its good at making u more aware of eating habits and making you think twice.

I lost 1 more kg on my own and continued without a prescription but after another month with no results i asked for duromine which is what he originally prescribed. I had suggested orlistat the first time because i was scared of trying duromine.

What are your thoughts? Is it irresponsible? My bmi was 30 when i finally decided on duromine and I've been on it 8 days. I'm clinically obese but not morbidly . This post is just making me think thats all
laura kate
Well like i said. 180cm with sw of 65kgs. Not 80
You're too young to know about menopause. Take a look around at every shopping centre and the women aged 50 plus. 80% of these women range from being really overweight, very fat to morbidly obese. Doesn't necessarily come from eating everything in sight or not going to the gym. So its all about depleting hormones. I don't get how Dr's are quite happy to label you as depressed and handout the anti-depressant prescriptions out like advertising flyers - yet prescribing Duromine is like you've asked him to give up his first born. Anti-depressants are prescribed so freely with the expectation that you will miraculously become happy again. The reality for most menopausal women is that they don't and instead will become fatter and fatter until they are obese and even more depressed that their self esteem is zilch. Most people would think that these women stuff themselves with food - but surprisingly they eat no more than they have done yet they watch in agony and despair as their shapes disappear and the negative self talk and lower than ever self-esteem when they take anti-depressants. Menopause is a double dose of shitty life really. Hormones unbalanced, hot flushes, getting fatter no matter how much you exercise and limit your calories. Duromine has pulled many a menopausal women up from the darkest depression and brought back the person who was previously interested in life around them.
laura kate
Didi, what on earth are you talking about? My post isn't remotely related to anything you said in your comment.

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laura kate
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