Vic's Blog (Canberra)

  • Author Vic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello All. Day 2 96kg.
Behaviors Observed
  1. house very clean
  2. up & ready to go at 4am
  3. manic but controlled & methodical, writing to-do lists
  4. drinking water like a fish, 3l water per day
  5. eating less, but good.
  6. the poor dog is tired from walks.
  7. mouth dry, tongue feels thick
  8. minor couple of headaches
  9. smoking more
  10. talking more
  11. want to fix stuff (see 3.)
  12. focused & determined
  13. swimming
  14. started a lunchtime walking group at work
  15. Yes. Lists. See 1-14.
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Reactions: 1 person


I am obsessed with lists.
Even better if I can tick them off.
I bought notepads that have tick boxes and I have them all over the place.
OMFG! That will satisfy my list OCD behaviors "laughing"
Officewoks my dear.
It is so fulfilling to write a list and tick the whole thing off.
Even better when on the D you are so motivated.
I have:
  • Thoroughly cleaned my walk in robe
  • And kitchen cupboards
  • And above my cooktop cupboards (eww)
  • Sorted clothes
  • Donated 12 bags of clothes to Salvos
  • Sorted old toys
  • And donated 7 large boxes of same
  • Chopped wood
  • Stacked wood
  • Exercised 40 days in a row
  • The list goes on
  • And on .......
If it is on my list it has to be done.
I have a daily list and several lists for larer tasks.
I make lists for the kids too. They don't like that much.
Hi vic,

I'm not sure how to pm you but I'm in canberra and desperately looking for a gp to get duromine from. Would you be able to pm where you got yours from?

Thank you and good luck with your journey I'll be following your blog! :)


Blog entry information

Read time
1 min read
Last update

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