week 1 30mg

  • Author letsdothis
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Happy easter guys, my first weigh in fell on today lol glad it's not tomorrow.
So roughly a 2kg loss on the scales which Is nice, but I will admit my measurements have stayed the same so I am a little disappointed... I'm basically a pear with legs so loosing my belly is my main goal (around belly button measurements is 111 cm very unhealthy)
For the first week I have been watching my portion sizes and controlling what food I am putting into my body, just to have a good idea of how my body is reacting. week 2 I am aiming to perfect the portion sizes and nutritional value of food but also introduce exercise into my day. I am aiming for walking 3 days a week and using my ab circle and leg magic on the other days.
I hypothesis next weigh in is going to be smaller as I have indulged in a birthday dinner last night and chocolates today but will be more focused on loosing cm! Wish me luck!
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