Week 1 - Day 3 -7

  • Author Shellz86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Its been a couple of days since my last entry, life just all of a sudden got hectic, had a friends wedding, and then also went out of town for the wedding. but non the less, i think i have kept on track.

weigh in will be today on day 8. "holding thumbs and crossing everything"

Week 1
Day 3

was a busy day, had the 3 liters of water and then also had black coffee and tea again. the taste has not been to bad, got to get over the first cup!

Mood and Sleep have been back to normal. so grateful, and have eaten all the food which i had prepared. so overall Wednesday was a good day.

Day 4.
Day before the wedding.
After the hectic day yesterday, i had a friend come over and we had a few glasses of wine, and then i slept like a baby last night.

Thursday - off to with the wedding party, so not much will be done today, will try to get all my water down.
went to the dentist this morning, was great visit. and then had a chicken mayo sandwich.

had hamburgers for dinner, and didnt have anything else. was a hectic day going back and forth doing wedding duties and then finally chilling out with the girls before the big day on friday (Tomorrow)

Day 5.
Wedding day!
had a great breakfast with the girls,
egg and bacon with a cup of coffee,
then it was time to get ready.

day went by super fast - didnt have much to eat, had a steak at the wedding, when it came to desert... i dished up and usually i eat it all very quickly.. but this time i had a spoonfull and then left everything else.

Day 6.
yummy egg and bacon breakfast,
all water was had, was about 4 liters.
slept well.

Day 7
was not sure if i should take a pill today, but i did, not much was done, relaxed most of the day with the BF, and then did some house work.
other wise body and routine are back to normal.
no side effects since day 1.

back to Gym tomorrow. and its weigh in day.

hope all those peeps who did week 1 all day had a good one!


good luck for tomorrow i hope you have an awesome weigh in.
Thank you!! i am hoping for the best!
can not wait to see your next entry :)

Blog entry information

Read time
2 min read
Last update

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