Week 1 done

  • Author Flightbird
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So, I survived week 1!
There were a few moments where I thought things were a bit much - the first night I had zero sleep, like none at all. But I've been sleeping quite well since then, much better on days I work out.
The other was I noticed that I was talking a lot more than normal, but not babbling, just expressing myself and being more verbose than usual. I work in the social work field, so this isn't such a bad thing, but it was like I spoke before I really thought through what I was saying - lucky I didn't say anything stupid!
My scale weight at home this morning was 75.9kg, which is 1.1kg lower than at the doctors last Saturday, so perhaps this is a loss? I generally just FEEL better, though I have decided that I only want to do this one round of Duromine, not a full 3 months. At such a low dose it's very expensive, and doesn't completely stop my appetite, so for me so far the benefit is not outweighing the cost.
Here is my progress pic for week 1. I can't notice too much of a difference really, but it feels like my tummy is much more "jelly" than that awful bloated, hard tummy I had a week or two back.
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