WEEK 1! (for the 1000th time!)

  • Author michelle driver
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Ok so here goes! My name is Michelle and Im a foodoholic. Im 5 foot 5 and currently 97.5 kg - like most people posting here Ive tried every diet and pill possible I usually have no problem losing weight its just that I will put it back on so quickly, I might be really good for a month lose 4 kg and then eat like a 'normal' person again and within 2 weeks I have regained the 4kg and am back at square one. So its pretty much four weeks on and 2 weeks off for me and It has been like this for 10 years! at my smallest I was 55kg thanks to weight watchers but no matter how hard I try to get back on the weight watchers wagon I keep falling off! I started swimming 3 times a week for a hour 7 weeks ago and even though I havent lost any weight I feel better and my fitness has definately improved. I am going to squeeze in a burlesque class next term which sounds like a shit load of fun and hopefully it will help me with my self image, so that in addition to the karate that I do for one hour a week means I should have the exercise thing sorted! now for the food! So I did a bit of research on duromine and its side effects and thought bugger it ill give it a shot I have nothing to lose (well actually about 20kg lol) So Im currently on day 5 (15mg) I havent slept that well, have had a couple of headaches but on the whole Im not really thinking about food too much, Im still eating but Im not constantly thinking about my next meal. So Im feeling optimistic which I always do on week one I guess time will tell! I weighed myself this morning and I was 96.4 which is a 900g loss which is good I guess for 5 days (I was secretly wishing I was one of those people that would lose 4kg in a week ) so join me on the duromine train I really hope this takes me to where I would like to be.


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Blog entry information

michelle driver
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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