Week 1 weigh in - 3.4kg down!

  • Author JoMil
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Week 1 down and 3.4kg's lighter! Very impressed at this result - lets hope I can keep it going all the way to goal weight.

Starting Weight 26/01/15: 72.0kg
Week One weigh in 02/02/15: 68.6kg

So it's been an interesting week with lots of highs and lows. First night I did not sleep at all - no one minutes sleep. Not sure if its because I had green tea and due to the fact was first day on Duromine.I was exhausted at work and had to leave by midday. Sleeping patterns were fine for the rest of the week apart from waking up constantly thirsty, or having to go to the toilet from drinking so much. I avoided all forms of caffeine - coffee, green tea, black tea etc.

Yesterday (Sunday) I decided to have one shot of espresso at about 1pm. I went to sleep at about 11:45pm, then woke up at 2:30am - no more sleep for the rest of the night. Definitely AVOIDING ALL CAFFEINE from now on.

As for appetite, I can definitely say it reduced dramatically from day 1. I would have a meal replacement shake for breakfast, then at lunch would only have a hard boiled egg and some almonds for lunch. Dinner would be approx 150gm chicken, with some sweet potato and broccoli.

I did walking every day and gym workout 5 times throughout the week. I wasn't able to do what I normally would at the gym. I was lacking energy, which was probably due to consuming such low calories (average 750 per day) and not that many carbs.

I could feel my tummy getting flatter by the end of the week, and even though it might be a lot of water weight lost in this first week, its really made me feel great and made me feel like my goals are achievable. I feel lighter in myself, and already have that slight extra confidence boost to make this happen.

As for my nightly sugar cravings I must admit there were times when I opened the cupboard and could small the lollies and chocolates - but i simply had a jarrah hot chocolate with only 49 calories and didnt think about it.

I did not have one bite of junk food from Monday through to Saturday which is massive for me. I did give in Sunday night, but I think one night out of seven is nothing to cry about when I had been previously eating some sort of sweet every single night.

I'm not expecting my next losses to be anywhere near the same as week 1,and wasn't even contemplating losing that amount in one week, but if I can manage1kg this week, I will be stoked. So that will be my goal for the week.

Bring on week 2!
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how have you gone on your second week miss ? your journey sounds very similar to me :) especially in the not eating junk food for a week bit heheh!!! have you lost anyhting in the last week?

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