Week 1

  • Author Journey from 120kg
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Overall I’m thinking week 1 was a success. I’ll have to admit I was nervous starting with Duromine, mainly because I had heard about all the possible side effects. The only thing negative thing I experienced was after my netball game on Saturday, I had a splitting head ache. I figured it was probably dehydration, even though I thought I had been drinking plenty. It passed after some time and some water, but considering this was my only negative with a week full of positives I’m pretty happy.
Since being on Duromine one of the positives, I am finding it so much easier to get out of bed in the morning. Normally I would press snooze button a million times before the last possible time. I was in a really bad habit before starting with Duromine, I would rather sleep in then eat breakfast. This week however as soon as my alarm goes off my body is ready to wake up so I have been able to have some breakfast before work.
Another thing, on Day 2 I scared myself a little bit. I forgot to eat (I now have an alarm to remind me if I forget). That part isn’t the positive. The positive part is that since then I am finding it a lot easier to plan my meals, and more importantly sticking to my planned meals. I think this is the first time in my entire life where I have actually been content with eating fresh, nutrient packed foods like vegetables. Normally if I had to choose between my planned meal and ordering a yummy pizza, I would just order the pizza. For me this is huge.
I decided to come up with a few goals to keep me on track. Starting with a series of short goals, followed by an overall goal
Mini goal:
· Move from Obese Category 3 to Obese Category 2 (112kg)
· Weigh less than 110kg
· Weigh in double digits
· Move from Obese Category 2 to Obese Category 1 (98kg)
· Move into the 80s
· Move from Obese Category 1 to Pre Obese Category (84kg)
· Move into the 70s
Overall Goal:
· Weight comfortably in the 70s

Woohoo 5kg down. Pretty happy with this week. Now I’m only 3kg away from my first short term goal. Now I know I can’t expect to lose this amount each week, and that this week was probably mostly water weight but I’m still counting this as a win.
Bring on this week.
Starting Weight: 120.1kg
Current Weight: 115kg
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Blog entry information

Journey from 120kg
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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