Week 1

  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I was hoping to summarise my first week way before the second one was almost finished, but sometimes life happens. :)

When I took the first 15mg caps, a few hours later I felt a bit... energetic. I was so productive that day, hehe. But that was the one and only time I felt any of that. At the moment, the caps are making me more awake (no falling asleep at my desk anymore!) and i have a bit of reflux, which is screwing with my head a little. I feel a bit acidy, and it kinda feels like hunger, so I have to be careful and work out which it is before I take action. And the sweats!!! Oh my. I've had to increase my water intake because I sweat at the slightest provocation...mainly around my head but my body gets a bit sticky as well. 5 minute walk to the station for work and I am dripping... At least it gets the toxins out, I guess! :)

On the up side, I seem to feel fuller a bit quicker than normal. Which means I have needed to practice mindful eating. If I eat fast, I end up eating too much and feel really bloated a half hour after.

Exercise has been good for me too. I have been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD 3 days a week and walking as much as I can in between. I'm enjoying the 'me' time I get when I exercise, hehe, because my partner doesn't want to do it with me.

To date I haven't lost any weight, which is a bit disappointing, but sure, it is only the first week. I've got an appt with my Dr on Wednesday, so I'll talk with him about it then. I think I may need to increase the dosage despite my high-ish blood pressure.


Hello StarryG, happy to finally hear from you! =) and very glad that you can control your eating now.

Oh, Jillian Michaels’ DVD. How is it going? Are you working for the beginner or slightly try to do all exercises for a more advanced level?

You might also discuss your diet with your doctor. He probably has your blood test result and can give you some good advice, which will not only boost your weight loss, but will also bring more benefits to your overall health condition. =)

All the best and write soon! =))
Thanks, April :) I love Jillian, she's got a fantastic way of pushing/motivating/encouraging all at the same time. I'm doing middle of the road :) Hard is too hard, and beginner makes me feel like I'm not doing anything special.

I can't say too much, I have another blog coming!
Hi, StarryG, welcome!

I know it seems too difficult for you at this stage, but it is always this way when you start something new. Good to know you have a motivation, even from Jillian, because sometimes our relatives are not that supportive when it comes to Duromine. Hope you have different situation at home. I agree with April - best diet is the one recommended by your doctor, who knows your body from medical point of view, so can recommend the most beneficial diet to lose weight and at the same time to not harm yourself.
I recommend you posting your results or daily routine here, in threads or create your daily blogs, so you can monitor your progress easily. This would be very interesting to read, I am sure ;)
I wish you a good night sleep and no side effects!

Good luck dear!

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2 min read
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