Week 10 results

  • Author Beck
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Starting Weight: 140.3 kg
Chest: 129 cm
Waist: 124 cm
Hips: 152 cm

Week 10 Weight: 133.8 kg
Chest: 126 cm
Waist: 115 cm
Hips: 144 cm

Total Lost Weight: 6.5 kg
Chest: 3cm
Waist: 9 cm
Hips: 8 cm

Pretty happy - some days I feel like I can see the results - in my clothes especially, but not in photos much ... possibly just my "fat" eyes - not being able to see what is real yet ...

So first goal is to lose 10% - so almost half way there. Slowly slowly ...
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1 min read
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