Week 11

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Back into the duromine and gym this week and currently no loss.
Back to the doctors in a few hours and will be reporting a loss of approximately 7kgs since my first appointment 11 weeks ago.
I'm totally gutted that I haven't tried harder and lost more, but at the same time I've had a life and find if I go without too much it won't be sustainable.
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Doc was very amazing.
He is happy with my loss even if it was only 3kgs in 6 weeks.
I go back in 4 weeks when I'm done with my duro.
In the mean time, he encouraged me to look up "aerobic" exercise compared to "anerobic" but basically told me I'm better to workout for slower and longer, eg a 1hr walk rather than short and fast (eg sprints)
And not to do any heavy weights, keep them under 5kgs..
feeling very positive and motivated after our chat...
winning xxx
Hey mumo3girls
Don't be hard on yourself , you've done great!
I haven't been on for a few weeks with my holiday and "life" and so much crap to deal with lately have ended back on "happy pills" which have taken over a week to get used to with the duromine , thank god Ive hit my 12kgs but back into it again :)
I have nearly 3 mths duromine left so hopefully can lose the extra 4kgs I want to..... But more would be nice but aiming for 4.
Keep up the great work . We are only human xxxx
Glad to hear your on the upward spiral again.
Thanks, this is my last month on duro, and after having a 2 week break I'm very doubtful I will be able to lose much once I stop again because those cravings just come back so strong and my willpower sucks.. but fingers crossed I can improve all that over the next 4 weeks and continue losing after that.
My first big goal is 94kgs, as that would be my lowest weight I can recall in the last 12ish years.. currently at 100kgs. 6kgs doesn't seem like much but af the same time it's HARD!!
Anyways.. positive positive.. xx

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1 min read
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