Week 11

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey again, here are my results for this week:

Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100 kg
Week 8 (21.10.13) = 90.0kg
Week 11 (11.10.13) = 88.5kg
This loss = 1.5 kg
Total Loss = 11.5 kg
Goal = 70 kg
Mini Goal = 85 kg by December 9th

Sorry I haven't been updating for the last two weeks but I was living at my parents and they don't have working scales. I spent the last two weeks on an internship at Chanel Nine in Sydney because I have finished my uni degree and am now looking for work. (So if you are in the TV industry...;);)) I had a lot of trouble finding time to exercise while at home as I was doing 8 hour days and also had to drive an hour and half in and out of the city so there wasn't much day light left... I was also exhausted, so the rare moments I could have gone for a walk or something I spent sleeping or spending with my family.

I was glad when I returned home that I had still lost a kilo over the period, which isn't the best but seeing as I was only eating moderately healthy (I wanted to enjoy my lunches whilst at a new job, socialising) and had done no exercise, apart from the GAZILLION stairs 9 has, its not too bad.

My next doc appointment is Thursday and I am really disappointed I haven't reached my 5kg goal like the last two months. I am also trying to think of a way to convince my doctor to let me stay on 30mg another month or two because it seems silly to go down to 15mg now when I am only half way to my goal. I don't want to make it any harder.

I still experience no side effects apart from being very thirsty and I have accidentally forgot to take the pill on two different days and only remembered because I was feeling a bit tired. I still wasn't hungry which was great but it was only one day.

So if anyone has any ideas on what to say to my doctor about continuing on 30mg please share...

Thanks for the support :)


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