Week 12

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey again, here are my results for this week:

Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100 kg
Week 11 (11.11.13) = 88.5kg
Week 12 (18.11.13) = 87.6kg
This loss = 0.9 kg
Total Loss = 12.4 kg
Goal = 70 kg
Mini Goal = 85 kg by December 9th

Getting back into the swing of thing. Felt so unfit the first few days at the gym and was so sore afterwards. But feels good to be moving!

Saw my doctor and she agreed to let me stay on the 30mg for one more month yay! But she said this is the last lot of 30 and i need to go down to 15mg. She explained that it was so my body wont become dependant on Duromine and to train it into continuing without it. I just hope I can get down to 80kg but the end of this pack and then I think that last 10kg I can do on my own :)


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