Week 13 - Slow weight loss is killing me

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning all.

This slow weight loss is really starting to bug me now. Getting out of the 110's is so difficult that I want to cry but I am pushing forward because a small loss is still a loss and I should be happy about it. I know it's normal to lose the weight slower around this time but come on... lol

So this weight in I have lost 600g - more than a tub of butter and that's a lot when comparing it.
My good feeling was a pair of jean that started to fit but was still a little tight around my legs now sits like a bag. Starting to look like a hippy with all the loose clothes but I'm enjoying it.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day.

SW 138.9
CW 113 (Total lost 25.9)
GW 75
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Wow that's fantastic!
You have lost so much all together you should be so proud.
This week I have gained (no Duromine and back injury relegating me to the couch) I'm trying to look at the big picture and go for a loss next week.
You just keep doing what you have been doing. You are such an inspiration.
Still so proud of you! Keep going!!! You motivate so many and show so many people you can do this, since i personally know ur old habbits and u have done amazing!! Love u teds
Fantastic weight loss & I really like the 600 gm is a tub of butter :) Because it's true when you think positive like that :) Well 25.9 kgs is just about 26 kg bags of sugar wow have a great week wishing you a loss on your scales ;)
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