Week 14 and eating like a normal person again

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Wow 14 weeks and I am still on it. Normally give up before day 14 and more than 3 months later I am still going strong. I've started eating some of the things that I stayed away from like bread. But can still manage the intake and still log calories like a mad person and even though I've stopped drinking the Duromine I still drink tons of water, it's actually scaring my mom a little lol. It's a miracle I haven't drowned in my own water intake yet, hahaha :laughing:

I've started eating kind of normally or normal for a skinny person as I think about it and the weight is still coming off. Week 14 and I have lost another 1.4kg. I don't think I have ever been so proud of myself. When my mom saw me over the weekend she was shocked (haven't seen her in a few weeks) When she hugged me she said that she can feel my ribs and I smiled from ear to ear.

I officially weight less than my brother (only 2kg but it's still less :p) a day I thought would never come. He was the first one to say that I will never be able to lose my fat ass and now I am almost the skinniest person in my household. The most fantastic feeling so far. 500g to go and I am less than my step mom.... I know I should be so excited about other people being bigger than me but to me it shows that I worked my ass of to get where I am and all my critics will soon become my followers.

I would like to do some cheers for myself and for the guys and gals that have had great successes and the ones starting out.

Here's to everyone that said I (we) couldn't do it. Suck on the fat I've lost!!!
Here's to the motivators and supporters that knew we could do it before we knew it (my Diet Hitler)
Here's to the bikini's waiting to be purchased by our new found bodies
Here's to the bully that called me Helen, lemon, the big fat melon right through primary and high school.
Here's to the weight that still needs to come off, although slow it WILL GO !!!
Here's to everyone that didn't give up.

SW 138.9
CW 111.6 (Total loss 27.3)
GW 75
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Congratulations fantastic loss 27.3 your amazing ...stay strong keep going girl you will get to your goal :) Bully's are idiots with low self esteem and not worthy of your time ;) Remember this is your journey your the only one who earned the losses ... Bugger the others :)

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