Week 14

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey again, here are my results for this week:

Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100 kg
Week 13 (25.11.13) = 86.1kg
Week 14 (2.12.13) = 85.3kg
This Week = -0.8 kg
Total Loss = 14.7 kg
Goal = 70 kg
Mini Goal = 85 kg by December 9th

I am so happy that I have reached my mini goal :) I went on a huge shopping spree this week and spent $250 on smaller clothes because nothing fits me!! :laughing: The best part was that I now can fit into size 14s which is fantiastic and I haven't done that since I was 15. I figured out that I am a lot smaller then I was before at 85kg because now I am full of muscle. A trainer at my gym says I have a natural gift to build lean muscle :) And with all this extra muscle my fat is slowly burning away.

My stomach was the first thing to go. I have lost about 15cm around my waist. I have lost about 5cm around my hips/butt and only 2cm around my arms. I cant wait till my arms go down because they have always been the cause of so much stress for me. I never wanted to wear anything that would show them off. I still don't but it is summer and I'd rather be feeling free!

I leave for my holiday next Monday and I am so excited! Sun, sand and shopping! Here I come :) Maybe I can get under 85 by then ;) so then I can pig out heheehe:rolleyes:

Thanks guys for reading. Yay for half way point!
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