Week 16 (post duro) weigh in

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 16 (post duro)
Loss 500gms

Total loss in 16 weeks 9.2kgs
Start weight 106kgs
Current weight 96.8kgs


Hi Mumo3girls..

Been a while since I have been on the forum... well done to you!!! You look great and no doubt feel the difference! I bet your girls are proud of their Mumma!!
Thanks deanna,
I pop in every week or so but there are so many new names I don't bother reading much..
how's it all going with you?
Yes I'm noticing some difference but not a huge amount.
I'll feel better once I've pushed further than ever before and hit some bigger goals I think..
You know Mumo3girls... we women are just so darn hard on ourselves... your results are great.. your photos clearly show how hard you have worked.. and all while being a mother to 3 at the same time.. I think this forum can be off-putting to a degree as many people smash out big numbers... pretty sure that affected how i felt about my own super slow progress too - and why I took a break from the forum. I was going nowhere fast and because we want to see results (ie.. fit into much smaller clothes again in lightening fast speed).. its easy to beat ourselves up when we are chip chip chipping away at it.. even though we put weight on - chip by chip.. thing is we don't tend to notice the chips going on - or coming off.. its the slabs we notice...

My mindset is definitely on gettting my walks in everyday now... and I look forward to them as I have each of them positioned in my mind as an Opportunity to lose another chip.. It will take me many many steps to lose all the packets of chips i need to lose.. and so... I need to be patient with my body and allow it time to de-chip... You have been allowing your body that time - and although you've had plateaus and frustrations along the way.. you havent given up.. (unlike me who needed to step away to boot myself in the butt and renew my attitude).. you are way ahead of me.. and I began this ride way before you!!

Every chip adds to the packet... or takes from it (depending on how you choose to fill or empty it)...

I've lost about half of what you have and yes.. when i look at my gorgeous clothes hanging in my wardrobe that I am too fat for... or stop to see myself in the full-length mirror.. Ughh is what I see and what I feel still... but.. they USED to fit me - before I chipped up... every walk is a chip down and so eventually... I know I will pull out one of those dresses and it will zip up with room to move as well...

Am noticing the weight shift up from my legs.. they aren't as gross as they were a few weeks ago.. have a pocket of fat under my butt now.. as opposed to my butt being half wat down my hamstring.. I still have a chunky bum and my tummy still lays next to me in bed and my arms are still fat (no definition) and back fat is still full on... but I can see and feel my legs are a tad slimmer and tighter... am I impatient - hell yes... I want to be slim NOW thanks.. but chipping away has surely got to be so much better in the long run...!!!

So.. to recap - you are AMAZING..!! Your girls, I am sure will be noticing mummy is changing.. being a mum is full-on.. and you've lost 9.5kg too..!! Rock on Mumo3girls...!!
Omg you make me laugh so much.
Thank you.. and you are so spot on and doing so great yourself..
mmmmmmm chips!!!
You found my weekness!
The absolute one major change I have made is to limit my dinner meals.
I used to eat out or have a function for lunch and still go home and have a big meal at night, I happily don't now. I often have a bigger lunch due to gym after school drop offs, home just in time for lunch, then an apple on my stroll to school (6 houses away) for pick up and I'm not starving for dinner. So it's always smaller now compared to before. People always told me I had to eat more for breakfast.. that's crap (for me) too.. eating more doesn't help me at all..

The only thing that has helped me is to over all eat better.. and less!! Simple!!!!
Don't ever give up..
I won't!!!

Keep on chipping!!!
Hiya Mumo3girls.. No Way am I giving up now.. Its interesting, isnt it.. how our mind sets our progeess - or diminishes it..! Like you, I have learnt to feed my body less and not to indulge.. which is really easy to do when we are with different people/scenarios across the day.. ie: work functions and then home for a big ole dinner.. I do feel frustrated with myself, having 'wasted' so much time BUT.. now - Its Time To Get Real... every day when I walk, I know I am carrying a little less fat than I carried the day before, even if I cant see or feel it yet... that motivates me Hugely!!!
When I started duromine, I stupidly sat down and wrote weekly goal weights - in advance for myself.. Ummm - what a Dork! I now have mini goals but without the timeline... and an outcome goal for Winter time next year.. Jeans - a blouse and a belt.. I haven't worn jeans for 20 ridiculous years!! OMG... I am so excited to KNOW that day is coming...

Excited for us both... seems we both now have the strength and mindset to make this life our own.. (though you didn't need your butt booted like I did)..

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1 min read
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