Week 16 - Under the 110's

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Geez what a few weeks it has been. I haven't blogged cause the weight is going so slowly.

At lease it is going... didn't loose much but 2.1kg is really good for a two week period

So happy that I made my next mini goal of being under 110kg and only 600g to go before I have lost a full 30kg - So super happy because I will make it this week.

Not really much to update on but I hope everyone is having a ball and losing good totals

SW 138.9
CW 109.5 (29.4 lost)
GW 75
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Wow your so close to the 30 kg loss your amazing Teddie :):):)...it's been slow going for me to usually only a 1 kg a week or under gggrrrr is annoying however a loss is a loss :p .. This week I had the biggest loss since the first week 1.7 kg ... I amazed myself :rolleyes: Anyway stay strong you will do it we are all on this journey together, just at different stages I can't wait to tell you when I have lost as much as you ..you must be so proud of yourself :) Have a great week ! ;)
I know how you feel SweetTeddie, My weight loss has slowed down too and I have to keep looking at the big picture.
Wow! nearly 30 kilos lost, Go YOU!
Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration.
Hold on Teddie! It is demotivating I know, but it is a common thing when your weight loss slows down a bit... No worries, no hurries. You have the whole life and you will keep losing and losing until you are satisfied. Now you know how to do that. So you rule :cool::laughing:
a loss is a loss, and correct me if I am wrong here, but I find that some of us Who have decided to eat from ALL food groups ,including good carbs, LOW GI carbs etc, we tend to lose a little slower than those who have eliminated carbs from their daily diet/ eating plan..So for me I would rather lose slowly and know that I am able to mentally and physically continue to do so after goal weight, without D ...Than to lose 30 to 40kg in a few weeks and then put back all the weight plus , if I stop D and return to my old habits of wanting carb overload, because I was deprived from them ... I have learnt over the past 10 weeks on this forum, that slow, steady, weight loss is A GOOD THING, NORMAL, and successful ,for weight management and for less skin hanging on the body, and for lifetime, on going results ..... so I would rather be the tortoise than the hare at this stage .. lol
Hi Guys,

Thank you so much. Still not giving up but yet still standing still on 109.5 for the last 2 weeks now but I am staying optimistic that the 600g I so desperately want to loose will come off on it's own time. Trying to eat a little bit more food now just to shock my body but still struggle eating more than what I am used to.

Week 17 will be fantastic and will loose whatever my body feels I need to.


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