week 2 , ALMOST GAVE UP Duromine

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
DAY 4 of week 2 , been a challenge mentally for me this week, last week was easy ,maybe to easy, I had no real side effects,drinking all my water, no exercise, eating ALL my CALORIES, at each meal ,and not craving anything or wanting extra dinner ,which was my downfall in the past before Duromine ...This week has been very different, I went off Duromine for a day, just to get a deep sleep and to get rid of the dry mouth, so NOT worth it , I was even more tired after waking up from "my deep sleep " and wanted extra dinner , for the first time in 10 DAYS, and my energy levels were so low, exercise was not on my to do list for that day.Today ,day 4 of week 2 ,Back on Duromine , Energy is back, no cravings, breakfast was filling , drinking loads more water today, dry mouth is back, and going to the loo a lot, haha but hey, small price to pay for wanting to reach goal weight and a healthy normal lifestyle for life , glad the side effects left me as quick as they came, otherwise I do not think I would have gone back onto Duromine so quickly again, and that would have been a huge disaster for me in terms of weight loss and mentally for me to keep going ,and fight this fat beast for good ... Hope that the rest of this week will keep me motivated and positive, and hoping for a good result on Friday for weigh in ....
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