Week 2, and a loss!

  • Author Flightbird
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I'm still going strong! I have added a run into my regular work out week, and I've found that I'm pushing myself harder at the gym - not sure if this is a placebo effect or not, but who cares, right?
I had a weigh in at the gym today, and I am down to 75.9 kg, but the biggest change and the thing that is making me the happiest is my waist/belly button measurement - down by nearly 5 cm! All that bloating is completely gone. You can see in my pic below, it's still a big belly but it used to be out past my boobs and now it isn't. :p
What does everyone think about only doing 1 round/1 months worth? Does anyone have experience in that? Or is it best to really cement the results by taking the full 3 months worth?
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Awesome stuff, well done! How are you going now?
Hey Lidz, still going strong! :) Up to week 5 now and I've lost over 5 kilos. :)
Aw, that's brilliant! I'm on Day 7, weigh in on Monday. Keep it up gal! :)

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