Week 2! AND my period... YEAH....

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
WEEK 2!! Heres the run down!!

its been great! iv been able to sleep! eat! and drink plenty of water!! iv cut my portions down so much and im finally feeling and looking thinner! not just thinner but happy with myself! confident without the bulge or tight clothing! The SCALES!! the one thing i hate most is finally moving down!!! all that hard work is FINALLY paying off!! to go to the gym for 5 months straight and see nothing was not what i signed up for!! and finally grabing a hold of it and taking duromine has stopped me from eating so much! making sure i drink plenty of water to hydrate my body! and making sure i count those calories!!

iv always been the person to always watch what i eat but never in proportion!
iv always been the person to feel so self concious i would rather stay at home then go to the beach with friends! sure my weight has fluctuated throughout the years but saying that we all want to be a certain weight! we all want to feel comfortable in our skin!!

Finally im almost there!!
This week i have Weighed in at 72kgs!!
900 Gram

im happy!! i new it was going to be a smaller number this week so i didnt get my hopes up!!
the past 2 weeks iv been working my arse off at the gym!! and to me its paid off!! im a gym freak and love the endless amount of energy some days bring!!

Though i must admit i have to keep watch of the time!! it goes quick and iv recently been forgetting to have a bite to eat!! so my main goal for week three is to set an alarm for every 3 hours as a reminder!!

I havent had any side effects this week! i think the only thing was i was feeling a tad emotional but iv had a shit week with work and a few other things! so wasnt to sure if it was me or duromine!!

But i do have a really IMPORTANT QUESTION!! just recently i have had break through bleeding! nothing serious just very light!! wearing a pantie liner will do the job!! now it came last wednesday and today is sunday 1st of feb!! its so light and i havent had any cramping nothing what so ever and when i first got it i wasnt suppose to get my period till 2 weeks time!! (im on the pill , levlen ED)

now i skip my period every second month! i dont no why i just do! and its never had an effect with me! im just worried that its to do with duromine and the changes of my body and hormones! aswell as i workout like 5-6 times a week!! 1-1.5hrs a day! and its strenuous!! iv read alot of stuff online and anyone who has taken duromine and has had this, what happened? did it go away? did it come and go?? did you have to stop taking duromine or the pill?? tell me your experience because im very confused! its never like this! only the odd month my body is changing and i get a bit of spotting a week or few days early! im worried and i dnt really want to stop my journey here...

week 2 OUT! week 3 HAS STARTED!!


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