Week 2 by Lai

  • Author Lai
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
start weight 71.1
Current weight 66
Goal weight 57
Hight 153
30 mg D
My first 5 days on D I dropped to 67.1
Then I was stuck on that weight for 2 days then went back to 67.3
I had my period so I was like okay maybe that’s why . I stopped weighing my self every day and I thought that’s it once a week is enough I didn’t want to become paranoid so I waited for day 5 of my period and jumped back on the scale and it was 66 kg
So I lost 5.1kg in nearly 2 weeks
My next weight in is due in 2 days
I try to go to the gym everyday
Walk on the treadmill for 2 km
Then do 30 mins of weights
I try to do 2 cardio classes a week
I don’t want to push my self too much because I don’t have an appetite to eat much
I have 1 to 2 weet bix with fruits and almond milk every morning with coffee
I will have a cup of hospital grade sustegen
Dinner will be a small amount of what ever I cooked that day ( I don’t cook fatty food and try to keep clean as much as I can ) to keep up with my 3 kids demands lol
I have struggled with sever depression and anxiety for the last 2 years
Gained 12 kg
I just want to feel good about my self and that will help boost my self esteem
Side effects
I don’t sleep enough
I get heart palpitations
Mood swings
Back pain
Thirsty ( I try to drink lots of water )
But overall it’s not too bad
I don’t get cravings of sugar and fatty food like I use to before I took D
This is my first time on D
I wish everyone best of luck on their journey
Love Lai
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Bam Bam
Hi Lai! Congratulations on your awesome loss! That’s fantastic! Sounds like it won’t be long until you’ve reached your goal I am looking forward to hearing how you go xx
Hello BamBam
Thank you for your support
I will keep posting my results
I am looking forward to see how much cm I have lost
My trainer will have my measurements just abit before I started duromine
I can’t wait to see how much I have actually lost
Fingers crossed awwwww
Thank u

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2 min read
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