Week 2 - fat is not flexible

  • Author NewBeginnings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 2 is done, dusted and I lost 1.7kg. What is absolutely magic for me is that I’m not constantly obsessing over food: what am I going to eat, when am I going to eat, and what am I craving for today? Now it is just a question of I am hungry, let’s eat something healthy and carry on with the day. I really do try to only eat when hungry and not out of habit. But the most difficult part remains that food has always been my emotional crutch, my companion and sometimes by hobby. Some days I am too scared to go home, because once I get bored I start opening cupboard doors even though I am not hungry or even in the mood to eat. Time to put on the training gear and start working out or get a hobby, start reading, whatever it takes. It is an eye opener to see how time consuming and costly it truly is to be obsessed / addicted to food. Started doing yoga and let me tell you this – fat is NOT flexible!!! Man I was so sore and stiff, but I loved it, will definitely be going back (think I am a yogi in the making):p.
SW: 120
CW: 115.7
GW: 75
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Yes, it is very hard to break those old habits.
I found that I was staring in the fridge or cupboard but nothing was appealing.
Lots of water. That makes you feel like you are eating.
Another tip is to write it all down. If you have to write it in a diary or app, it makes you think 'do I really want this?'
Good on you for doing yoga. My daughter keeps trying to get me to do it, but she is a dancer and so flexible it is ridiculous. If I did it with her I would be a cripple by the end.
Lindelwa Mhlanga
im also on week 2!!! and in terms of the food habit, what i do is, i just dont have food in the house. i simply just dont buy food, therefore if there isnt food in the house, no matter how much im craving something, i know i wont walk all the way to the shops just to get it...maybe you should try this method out and see if it works for you. xoxo well done on your progress so far

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