week 2 on Duramine

  • Author minsy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have been using the 30mg tablets for almost 2 weeks now. Week 1 was super, and i loved the feeling of not being hungry all the time. I have been70kg to loose, last week i lost about 5 kg which is the most i have managed to loose in 10 years. I have bipolar mood disorder and the meds really make me hungry and sluggish at the same time. The duramine made such a difference last week i feel so disappointed now this week cause i have been getting hungry again. Is this normal?

I hope not, cause i loved the feeling of control i got, i know it sounds bazaar but it felt awesome to not want food. Food has been my best friend and worst enemy for so long, that not being hungry made it easy to not think about it. The weekend messed it up, i ate some chicken , granted it was grilled and healthy but now the food demon has returned and i am hungry. I can't keep on with this food obsession, or i am going to die.

I need to preserve i know, and it does't help that i buy it on line as such, without Dr knowing as he won't give me anything cause of my mental issue.

I just feel alone and desperate, and doing something about my ugliness has been making befell better, but will it last?


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