Week 2 on duromine

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I started off with my head in the game wanted to get fit I have 3 children and started at a whopping 110kg BMI 40.4! On the 13th of may 2013 I flogged myself at the gym for 2 weeks doing morning and afternoon classes (cardio and strength , fit all, dance and bootcamp) I went both morning at 9:30am and afternoon at 5:40pm I was prescribed duromine and started on week 2 of my fitness plan I also take the slimm shakes for breakfast and lunch snack on apples and have a balanced dinner with heaps of greens.
First week for me was great I lost 5kgs and stuck it out but hubby come home at 2am one morning after a night out this made me angry and I snapped so I decided to have a break from duromine I had 5 days off and gained 2kg this made me want to get back into it so began my medication again this Monday, I have been great and lost another 3kg :) I have cut back the gym this week to 1 class a day at 9:30am and do a 45min workout at home of a night (abs, cardio and boxing) I am at 99.6kg and more determined than ever to lose it! However my friends and family are staying on Saturday night so decided not to have my pill this morning and start again on Monday full on with no breaks or nights out til my 3 months is up! Today I am feeling very tired and drained did a workout this morning at 6:15am for an hour (cardio) and will keep everyone updated on my journey :) I will post again on Monday!


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