week 2 weigh in

  • Author letsdothis
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
S.W- 85.?
W1- 83.4
W2 83
Okay so week 2 weigh in I was extremely worried. I have let my eating habits slip, a lot, and have found I am continually sore from the minimal exercise I have done. Not a good motivator. I snowballed this week it started at one small easter egg and went from there. While .4 kg isn't a great weight loss I will definitely take it, considering I expected a gain. My measurements are finally going down (nothing worth typing yet) but it's hard because feel I'm not measuring the same places each time.
Looking forward to an exceptional week 3
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2kg in 2 weeks!! That's awesome :)
Good on you for taking measurements from the beginning. Unfortunately I only started taking then almost 4 weeks after I started Duromine. I know it's differcult to take meassurements in the same place each time but this is what I do and it really helps and seems accurate each time...
《Disclosure..sorry in advance for my crude discription but my goal was accuracy, not political correctness :p

Waist = meassure the narrowest part of your torso (i do the narrowest part for this because losing weight changes our shape and it's easier to always measure the narrowest part instead of trying to remember the exact location each time)

Hips = measure the widest part of your hips and make it run as straight across your back as possible (i always measure the widest part here because it's the easiest to find lol)

Bust = measure straight across the nipples and make it run as straight across your back as possible

Thigh = meassure the thickest part of your thigh with your leg straight and foot flat on the floor.

Arm = measure the droopiest part of your tuck shop lady arms

I always meassure my left leg and left arm because I'm right handed and find it easier to hold the tape meassure.

Hope this helps :)
straight to the point is my style anyway ! Yep measure the same except boobs I measure wearing the same bra unfortunately gravity hasn't been kind yes past experience taught me to start at the beginning, sometimes when the scales don't move the cms do! Also writing it in date and measurement column (each weeks directly under each other is a great way to visually see the great work

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