Week 2 Weigh in

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
After a wonderful 5.9kg loss in the first week weigh in I was ecstatic about jumping on the scale this morning. I knew that I wouldn't be able to lose the same amount and was ready for a lower amount but I thought I would at least not see the dreaded hundred and thirties again..... Boy was I disappointed. As the scale ticked away the 131.2 showed. I almost died. ONLY 1.8kg down - I knew it would be low but not that low. My aim was at least min 3kg and all I got was 1.8kg.

Very upset with myself I went do finish coffee I thought about the process so far. It might only be 1.8kg this week but plus the 5.9kg for last week - brings me to an incredible 7.7kg for a 2 week period. Now that is something to be very proud of. I can already see the difference and so can my wonderful support system (Diet Hitler aka My best friend and Family hahaha)

So although it's a small number, I just need to remember that I worked my ass of for it and won't give up because of that.

SW 138.9kg
CW 131.2kg
GW 75kg
Total Loss - 7.7kg


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