Week 2 - weigh in

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now: 96.7kg
Goal: 60kg
Lost so far: 18kg

I managed to lose 13.1kg on my own, with diet and exercise, before asking my dr for Duromine, after I hit a plateau -yet again, and couldn't break it after increasing my exercise and eating less calories. I heard about this pill from a work colleague, that has successfully lost more than 36kg on them.

I took my 1st pill at a weigh in of 101.6kg. I have only had a few side effects, like dry mouth (figured out that if I keep hydrated, it doesn't happen) and cleaning. I sleep well, and exercise 30-45min a day, 6 days a week.

Week 1 weigh in: 98.6kg (lost 3kg)
Week 2 weigh in: 96.7kg (lost 1.9kg)

Inspiration for the week: It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop!
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Big Girl SA
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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