Week 2

  • Author Journey from 120kg
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Overall a good week. Still feeling good. Weight loss has slowed, but I was expecting that. Still had a loss though, so still WINNING!!!! Still losing centimeters, BAM happy face!
I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about this weekend, I have a 30th Birthday on Saturday night.
Below is my progress.

I’ll check in next week with my next lot of stats.
Starting Weight: 120.1kg
Week 1 Weight: 115kg
Current Weight: 114kg


As long as the numbers keep decreasing, you will win. Good! I can tell it's a perfect motivation to see such neat table with your progress. Even if you don't see the difference in the mirror, numbers don't lie ;) I hope you will lose more without side effects! Have a nice weekend.:)
That's awesome. Way to go! Hope you enjoy yourself at the party. :)

Blog entry information

Journey from 120kg
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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