Week 2

  • Author Sammy14
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hi everyone
Feeling good clothes are more comfortable now and I lost weight this week as well , not huge but I am happy with progress. Still go to gym , I eat healthy and try to keep on the right track ! So far so good!

Week One :84.7 kg =1.9 kg
Week Two :83.8 kg = 0.9 gr almost a kilo . Total = 2.8 kg

Hope to see myself under 83 next week. Good luck to all!


Hi Sammy! Sounds really nice! Many people don’t measure their weight loss results with scales or measurements. They use their clothes to monitor their weight. So, I am glad to hear you already notice your clothes being more comfortable. Means the train is going. =) the total weight loss is great! Keep it up!
Thank you April, I really feel great and I feel I lost more inches then weight my black pants are almost falling off , and when I look in a mirror I can see that I am more toned I do body pump , Zumba and Step Class , I mix things up in the gym. But honestly said Body Pump is my favourite because it makes you strong and lean it doesn't make you bulk up like many think , it's a awesome workout for whole body . I have been going to the gym 2 months and so , but I needed extra help to help me archive what I want that's why I am on Duromine , it's hard for me to lose weight with (pcos) many women who has it know what I am talking about . The weight always shifts up and down i really want to archive my goal so I can try for second child next year but I want to make sure I am on tip top shape . I don't my weight to be the trouble again falling pregnant. I want to be healthy strong and I want to be in shape after my child as well, of course I won't be on Duromine but I want to have a head start , starting pregnancy with healthy weight so I don't gain to much. Everyone has a reason why they on Duromine and everyone is going through a Journey.
But it's also not about fast weight loss but a steady one that you actually can keep long term . Good luck to all.

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