Week 2

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Starting weight (24.02.14) = 88 kg
Week 1 (03.03.14) = 85.0
Week 2 (10.03.14) = 84.8
This week = -0.2kg
Total = 3.2 kg
Goal = 70 kg by August (6 months)
Mini goal = Under 85kg by March 24

New Mini Goal = Under 80kg by April 1st

I was a little disapointed with only losing 200g but hey a loss is a loss! I was surprised that I really felt the Duromine last week. My heart was racing again and I was thirsty again.

I was happy with the side effects back coz that mean my body was back to getting the shock factor. I only have this week left of them unless I find a new doctor to prescribe me them so after this week I'm on my own. I'll still blog because it help me a lot.

Thanks everyone.

See you next week! ;)
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