• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi All,
wow wow wow is all I CAN say right now..... It sure has been a struggle for the last 21 weeks, but after last weeks diagnosis and my meds corrected for my thyroid and only taking D when I feel I need it ,which is usually twice or three times a week only ... No gym this past week, but I have been on my feet 8 hours a day , interior decorating , so moving this body consistently has paid off, I lost a whopping 1kg!! does not sound like a whole lot, but my history shows, a loss of 5oog , 600g, and some weeks no change ,standing still on the scale... So for me a 1kg loss each week will do nicely thank you .. especially without any exercise ,that is a first for me . hahaha .. I moved the scale into three different areas just to make sure it was for real .. it sure was ... have an awesome week all ..
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Fantastic Leigh a 1kg loss is awesome, Just taking it slow is the right thing... It's the journey we are on some weeks will be fantastic some will be disappointing, we know how to manage the highs & lows now :p...it's wonderful being incontrol of our own lives:) like you I have not been taking D everyday and I have been so busy with the wedding Xmas shopping,& many celebrations, I'm trying to finish decorating the house for Christmas the tree is up & I have done the mantel over the fire place nothing else lol its happening :rolleyes: I slept in today 944am:eek: lol I haven't done that in 20 weeks ;)
Have a fantastic week Leigh x
wow, :eek:"slept in "have not done that in 23 weeks, Even when I want to, MY Biological clock wakes me up at the crack of dawn, :(hahaha,:laughing: your body sure needed that sleep ,happy for you ..agree on the controlling of our lives, and being able to not count on D ALL the time is a good thing for us too...Looking forward to the coming months as I ween myself off 1 day at a time ,as I would like to see how many weeks I can go totally without it, once I am closer to goal weight and go on a maintenance phase, so that I AM ABLE TO monitor :oops:my threshold and see where I am at mentally and physiologically, {tummy vs mind }or {emotions vs mind} or even both.. :confused:Will be good to see how far we have come in another 3 months or so , hey ? .. We too have a full on Dec month, my son in laws 30th is in two weeks and then the xmas celebrations a week later ,and then hubby is on leave , so lots of eating out :confused:, and then old and new yrs so getting through all these weeks of food festivals, will surely be a good test for us to see how strong and determined we are in the long run,really glad I started this in July ,so that I have at least had more or less half a yr to prep for these next few crazy weeks of holidays that are coming up :rolleyes:. .. lol ... have a gr8 day ;)
I am so happy for you Leigh. A breakthrough. Your determination is finally paying off.
I slept in this morning as well.... 6:30!!! Woo Hoo! Now it is 7:30 and I have still not exercised though :cool: Am getting there....
Can you pass some of that breakthrough on to me. I seem to be stagnating ATM.

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