Week 26 - Complete stand still

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys,

I am on the verge of just giving up. My weight has gone no where in 2 weeks. My scale stared me in the face this morning and laughed at me. I stick all my normalities and still nothing but I aint giving up yet.
My body is now to use to my intake and so I think my weight is just standing still. It is so frustration know that absolutely nothing is working for me at the moment.
So I have made my final dissension to go back onto the Duromine over the December and January period. Will be making my appointment to see my doc really soon so that I can start this again.

I have been without the Duromine for 3 to 4 months now and it really has gone great until this stand still. So super scared that it will forever stay at 102kg.
So badly want to hit the double digits before my birthday in December

So in a week or so the dry mouth will start again - so super stoked about that o_O

Hope you all are have fantastic results.

SW 138.9
CW 102 (-36.9)
GW 75
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Oh Teddie. I'm feeling your pain.
I know it is frustrating when you are not losing. I've been stagnating for weeks now. I still have an unfilled script at the chemist and as soon as I can afford it will be getting it filled. I am going to make those 30 tablets last to the end of January though.
Our bodies are way too clever. They keep adapting so we have to keep changing our tactics. I'm running out of ideas though.
Try changing the exercises you are doing or even time of day you do it.
Different foods? Go low carb for a week or vegetarian. Mix things up a little. If you can stomach it, try a week of shakes. Confuse that body of yours.
Whenever I am stagnating (like now) that is what I do. I focus wholly on a different routine in the hope I can trick my body. Sometimes this gets results. I'm just all out of ideas ATM.
Thank you Smick. I am starting to think my scale is freezing with the cold weather we are having here and it's brain in not working fantastically. This morning I jumped on the scale again (yes just a little obsessed with the weight) and it showed a round 101kg.......
Mind tricks, I tell you. But still want to go back on the D even if it's just 15mg.
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Yes Teddie, I am the same.
Particularly at this time of year, the most challenging time for me.
You are so, so close to being double digits.
I'm sending some fat stealing fairies your way. I hope they help. LOL
I hovered just above 100 kilos for a while then.... BAM! jumped under 100 and have stayed there. I cannot tell you the frustration and then relief I felt. It was an important milestone for me.

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