Week 4. by emma73

  • Author emma73
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This weeks loss is 1.6kg!

So let’s do a summary for this month. All up I’ve lost 5.4kg in one month. I lost 5.4kg in 5-6 months before this journey so that makes 10.8kg altogether. I have 9.9kg to reach my goal weight. Single digits to go and over the halfway mark!

Woohoo! I could not be more pleased! I’m high five’n myself and doing a happy dance!

I’ve been eating well,exercising, staying active and working hard. It’s really paying off. This month has been the best thing l’ve done for myself in a very long time. I’ve come to realise I’d been doing everything wrong before. I was actually starving myself without knowing. No wonder I used to dream about food, think about food all day and have no energy. Now I’m eating and drinking all day and have enough energy to last.

What I’ve noticed is my legs have got thinner. Also my shoulders and upper arms. I remember now when I had thin shoulders before and I’m wearing a bra I haven’t worn in 6 years. I’ve not lost much more around my stomach and butt but I have lost some off my hips. This makes me look a bit heavy in the mid section. My body looks funny at the moment with my stomach sticking out one way and my butt sticking out the other way. I’ve never been this shape before! Anyway my track suit pants I wear around the house for house work keep falling down.I’ve also lost a little in my face. My cheeks are not so chubby. It would be great to loose some more weight in my face, so hopefully next month.

Let’s see what week 5 will bring.
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