Week 4 Weigh in

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So the week 4 weigh in didn't go as fantastic as any of the others so far. My disappointment on the week 2 weigh in was nothing to what I felt yesterday.

After being home sick with Bronchitis I still kept to my regular diet - only what is necessary for a meal and not over eating or overdoing anything. I did stop taking my meds for a few days as I really needed the rest and the Duromine wasn't working with the much needed sleep I required. Not drinking the Duromine also didn't leave me very thirsty so also didn't drink my water as I normally do. Did get in some but not what I needed. I also have meds (cortisone) which I've read and heard actually keeps you from losing weight.
Jumping on the scale yesterday morning I knew that I wouldn't loose a great amount but wasn't ready for what I saw. I only lost 100g for the week. Really not very impressed with myself because I knew that the combined birthday party we had from my dad and little sister would affect my weight loss for the week. I did cheat but not to the point that only a 100g loss could be justified. I had toast and the smallest bite of cake imaginable. I did have alcohol but also stuck to sugar free drinks (gin & fanta zero) and still I only lost 100g.

But although it was a really bad week for me I am going to stay positive for the week ahead.

SW 138.9kg
CW 127.8kg
GW 75kg
Total Loss 11.1Kg
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