Week 4 - Weigh in

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Morning all

Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now: 94.5
Goal: 60kg
Lost so far: 20.2kg

Week 1 weigh in: 98.6kg (lost 3kg)
Week 2 weigh in: 96.7kg (lost 1.9kg)
Week 3 weigh in: 96.0kg (lost 0.7kg)
Week 4 weigh in: 94.5kg (lost 1.5kg)

I am extremely happy to report that I have reached my 20kg lost mark (victory dance!!!) :) Just another 34.5kg left to go. I have also lost 7.1kg for my 1st month on Duromine, which is fantastic. My next mini goal is to be in the 80's before I go on holiday on the 19th of Dec.

My husband has lost 4.5kg, and my son 2.3kg, just by incorporating exercise into their day...have to admit though that it took a lot of encouragement to get them to start exercising with me, but they are now just as addicted as I am. Sure, there are bad days when I don't want to exercise, but I tell myself that I need this for me, and once I have my running shoes on, and I have closed the door behind me, I am as happy as can be. You just have to find the strength to get out and do it. I promise that your mood will be much better after you have completed your workout routine, and you know deep inside, that you can and will do it again tomorrow.

Today, I am wearing the smallest size jean that I have in my wardrobe...so shopping needs to happen soon, hehehe :p

Thank you to everyone for being there for one another, we are all going through this weight loss struggle together, and that makes all the sweat and tears and bad days seem worth it. Good luck to everyone for their weigh ins this coming week!

Inspiration for the week: Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.


"Sure, there are bad days when I don't want to exercise, but I tell myself that I need this for me, and once I have my running shoes on, and I have closed the door behind me, I am as happy as can be. You just have to find the strength to get out and do it. I promise that your mood will be much better after you have completed your workout routine, and you know deep inside, that you can and will do it again tomorrow". - that is exactly how I felt sometimes during my journey)))

You are doing great and it is so good that you managed to motivate your family to exercise with you. 'Cause I couldn't))) I always say to the ladies - exercises give you energy. But most of them tell that they don't like to exercise. I can understand that, because it is hard to start if you haven't done this before and your muscles are too weak and your body says you 'no!' But we should fight our old habits, laziness and start a new healthy life!

Thank you for the inspiration you give us, darling! :)
Big Girl SA
I think that none of us ladies like exercise - my excuse was always that my boobs are too big, they are in my way! If I run they bounce too much and it hurts! I have Asthma and cant exercise! We all make excuses, but if we are serious about our weight loss, and want to keep it off, we have to lay down these excuses, and do what we know we need to do, to achieve our goals. I read somewhere that it doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you are going....so the muscles might be weak in the beginning, but they do get stronger, and before you know it, you are well on your way to make this huge lifestyle change. I was so out of shape, that I could not even climb 2 flights of stairs without getting short of breath, now, almost 6 months later, I am walking more than 3km, jogging another 1km, climbing 6 flights of stairs and then doing weight training for another 30min....and yes, that is just my workout for 1 day! I am happy that I have discovered this site, and that I am also able to be an inspiration to you, just as much as you all are an inspiration to me.
That's so good that you have lost all that weight so far.
You should be proud of yourself.
Keep it up!!!!!:)
Big Girl SA
Hi All,

Back on Duromine again, 3 years later.

In 2015 I reached 74kg, and got pregnant, hehe. Added another little boy to our family, and had my tubes tied....strugling since then to lose the baby weight, not sure if its connected to my tubes being tied, but here I am.

Started taking Duromine on 7th of June 2018.

Starting weight: 97.5kg
Today: 95kg
Lost: 2.5kg so far

Looking forward to reaching my goal of 70kg, and since I've been through this before, I know that realistically I need to lose about 1kg a week.

Inspiration for the week: Workout, Eat Well, Be Patient....your body WILL reward you!

Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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